Hello there!

Welcome to CloverSpace🍀

C-929 asteroid in this starry sky

I am Clover, a student majoring in computer science.

Passionate about Music, Personality, Fitness, Possibilities and Creativity.

This site is meant to be a personal garden, and I am going to plant my ideas, inspirations and passion here.

你好!我学计算机的。喜欢音乐,平时听的小众,但最爱的内地歌手Charlie Zhou却是大众顶流;喜欢健身,梦想是体脂率达到20%左右;喜欢研究人格类型,荣格八维九型人格之类的,甚至会接触一点占星知识;喜欢一切有意思的东西。有一堆想做的事,但行动力暂时没法和这些想法匹配上,哈哈哈。


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Website build with

Performing reactivity and statefulness, special guest SolidJS